Apple Tree Honda

Apple Tree Honda

Sales 828-684-4400 | Service 828-684-4400 | 242 Underwood Road, Fletcher, NC 28732

5 Ways to Keep Your On-the-Road Office Neat and Organized

More people than ever now work on the move, thanks to mobile phones, laptops, and tablet devices. But if you're regularly using your vehicle as a workstation, how can you keep track of everything and keep it all neat, organized, and tidy? Here are 5 tips from Apple Tree Honda.

1) Paper

Although technology companies would rather you didn't mention it, there's still a lot of paper in business. Whether you've printed a hard copy of a document for proofreading purposes or just amassed a pile of receipts for an expense claim, paper will build up. There are two steps to managing paper in your on-the-road office.

First, make sure you have a hole punch and ring binder, and file away every single scrap of paper neatly, keeping it all in one place. Second, when you finish with a piece of paper, scan it if it's important, and then recycle it. Nothing clutters an office faster than scraps of paper, and this is doubly true if your office is a car. Lose the trash.

2) Storage

Keep your car tidy by keeping your on-the-road office in one of the storage compartments. Whether that's in the glove compartment, the trunk, or the front passenger seat footwell is up to you, but get into the habit of putting your office away when you're not actively working. Out of sight, out of mind, and it will help prevent you from losing important items in the interior of your car.

3) Charging

Pay careful attention to the battery life instructions on your laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Keep their charge levels topped up at every opportunity, and think about investing in portable power packs and car chargers (if your vehicle doesn't have a USB port or wireless charging station already).

4) Stationery

When working on paper, you will need a pen, a pencil, an eraser, possibly a ruler, and a highlighter pen. That's it. Buy one of each item, and a case to put them in. If you give into the temptation of buying dozens of different colored pens and a pencil for every grade of hardness, you'll end up losing items left and right and still won’t be able to find a pen when you need one. Buy a small amount of equipment and concentrate on keeping it in a desginated place in your vehicle.

5) Prioritize

The best way to keep your on-the-road office tidy and organized is to do the bare minimum of work on the move. When you begin to do any task in the car, take a moment to think about whether it could wait until you're back in your regular office or at your desk at home. And if it can wait, ask yourself whether you would be likely to do the task better with a more dedicated working environment, perhaps with colleagues who you can ask for advice and support.

There are more ways than these to keep yourself organized while out on the road, but we hope you found these top five tips helpful. if there's anything else we can do to make your automotive life easier, don't hesitate to contact us today.