Apple Tree Honda

Apple Tree Honda

Sales 828-684-4400 | Service 828-684-4400 | 242 Underwood Road, Fletcher, NC 28732

Why Express Oil Change or Express Lube Centers Are Not a Bargain

It’s such a common complaint that it’s almost cliche: You visit one of those express oil change places, and an employee informs you that your car has a hundred other things wrong with it. It’s a miracle that the car is driving at all, but for a gigantic "small fee" the express service can have your car in tip-top shape—and you won’t have to worry about it spontaneously exploding any longer. (Well, maybe...)

The truth is, express oil and lube shops are often more of a hassle than the quick and easy option they pretend to be. Here are three reasons you may want to avoid that express oil change center down the street.

1) Your Vehicle May End up in Worse Shape Than Before You Came in 

A simple Google search will turn up countless stories about shoddy workmanship. Take, for example, the case of the man who brought in his vehicle for a tire rotation only to return home to find he could no longer check his own tire pressure—the mechanic had incorrectly replaced the stems. While it's possible the pressure (no pun intended) of getting the job done quickly leads to careless mistakes, consumers have encountered everything from loose drain plugs to engines bursting into flames

2) Your Vehicle May Hang Out at the "Express" Shop...for Hours 

At many quick lubes, a "20-minute" oil change can evolve into a several-hour wait. Between poorly trained technicians and inefficient management, not to mention the "extra" work your vehicle now "needs," you may end up spending an entire afternoon reading Good Housekeeping and drinking stale coffee in the waiting area.

3) Your Oil Change May End Up Costing You $20 + $350 (Minus the $10 Discount, of Course) 

Express oil change centers often lure customers in with discount offers and claims of speedy service. Once you’ve taken the bait and arrived for your oil change, it’s likely you’ll end up purchasing much, much more. For example, the technician may tell you that you should get a new air filter or serpentine belt. In fact, many of the employees of quick lube centers can seem more like salesmen than mechanics. By the time you leave, your bill may be several times more than what you expected. Moreover, damage caused by poor service can lead to costly repairs and replacement parts.

It may be worth a little extra time and money to take your car to a dealership or company that offers trustworthy service by trained personnel. After all, you spent a lot of money purchasing your car, so why not get the best service possible without all the headaches?