Road Trip Safety Tips for Your Pet

You never want to leave your pet behind when you go on an amazing trip, whether to visit family for a holiday or on a grand adventure. Pets are family, and many of us want to bring our pets along to experience the world with us. However, it's usually easier said than done. The Apple Tree Honda team has some tips to make traveling with your furry friend easier.
Consider a Crate or Carrier
The safest place for your pet while you're driving is in a crate or carrier. It can help ease their anxiety, keep them away from the driver, and even mitigate injuries in an accident. Some pets experience motion sickness and being in a crate or carrier can help reduce that issue. The crate should be large enough for your pet to stand, sit, lay down, and turn around comfortably. It should also be secured so that it won't move around under heavy braking or in an accident.
Use a Harness and Seat Belt
Some pets don't travel well in a crate and that's ok too. It's still important to keep them in the back of the vehicle and secure. A harness paired with a seatbelt works well for pets that don't do well in crates. The seatbelt should clip into your vehicle's standard seatbelt latch and onto the pet's harness. We highly recommend using a harness over a standard collar, to distribute the force of any possible impacts. It's also harder to slip out of, keeping them away from the driver.
Pack Your Pet's Essentials
Just like you wouldn't leave home without your essentials, you shouldn't leave without some important things for your pet. For day trips, food, water, bowls, a leash, a collar, medications, and pet waste bags are all you might need. Overnight trips might require more, like favorite toys or bedding. Don't forget to have access to your vet's contact information, as well as any vaccination records.
Take Breaks
Just like us, our pets need to get out and stretch their legs. They might not signal their need to use the bathroom the way they would at home, so it's important to give them plenty of opportunities to do so. Giving them food and water on longer trips is also advised to be done outside the vehicle. It will prevent messes and possible upset stomachs.
Talk to Your Vet
Some pets need special medications to travel, to avoid excessive stress, anxiety, or nausea. Talk to your vet before any long trips. They may be able to recommend the best ways to keep your pet comfortable during car rides if you've experienced issues like this in the past. Your vet may offer special medications, diet recommendations, or just ways to make your pet travel better.
Do you need a new vehicle to get you and your pet going? Contact the Apple Tree Honda team today to learn more about our amazing inventory. We can show you some pet-friendly features and offer some recommendations on the best models for pets.